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There are two major ways to stay up to date with our progress and thinking:

  • You can read up on our latest news and newsletters below + signup for future issues in the form just underneath
  • Visit the Varia Blog to read about topics that concern our business, such as:
    NLP, SaaS, Startup Lessons, Journalism & Media, Perspective shift & filter bubbles…
  • For most up to date feature news regarding Varia Research, check out our online changelog.

Here is the latest from our company newsletter:

Among other things, we have added a new Documents view – which allows you to see all your saved links and documents in one place.

Read our latest newsletter to learn how this can help you search and find any saved document much faster !

Access our July 2024 newsletter online here

Faster, better, stronger. This is the title our January 2024 newsletter.

We have added several updates to Varia Research, that make general user experience and your productivity better.

If faster, better, stronger sounds like your new year’s resolution – then the updated version 1.14.0 of Varia Research is certainly one for you to check out!

Read more about the updates on our changelog or in the above mentioned newsletter.

Varia Research users have benefited from machine learning based insights since day 1. But let’s be honest, some of the models at work have grown a little outdated. So we worked on an integration of state of the art models, that are now released in v1.13 !.

Read more on all of this in our Varia September 2023 Newsletter!

We have extended the capability of Varia Research, to properly handle online PDFs – so that you can work with them in your Dossiers, just as you are used to it from online articles.

Read more on all of this in our Varia August 2023 Newsletter!

We have implemented a new annotations overview. This allows you to see all your annotations & highlights of a Dossier in one place!

Furthermore, we have extended the existing Dropbox integration, to be in full sync. And we announce that we will discontinue the feed type Varia Feed – based on user feedback and the Bing News feed type being superior for almost all use cases.

Read more on all of this in our Varia March 2023 Newsletter!

Did you know that some of our super users are annotating more than 100 items per day? You can do that too – in Varia Research Dossiers.

Read more about our workbench and also how you can follow Google Alerts and Twitter sources with Varia Research in our February 2023 newsletter.

We have integrated the popular read-later service Pocket into Varia Research. This gives you immediate access to all your Pocket saves straight from Varia Research – along with our advanced features.

Read more about this and further updates & improvements in our January 2023 Newsletter.

We have integrated Dropbox to Varia Research Dossiers! This allows users to leverage all the power of Dropbox and also link existing material and folder sctructures that they might have.

+ We are preparing for a joint presentation of Varia Research with the City University of New York.

Read more on all of this in our December 2022 newsletter!

To extend the media monitoring capabilities of Varia Research, we have integrated the Bing News API as an additional feed type!

This vastly augments the available pool of sources and allow to follow pretty much any news content & source!

Read more about this feature addition and other updates in our Varia October 2022 newsletter.

You can now read & work with your research documents directly in Varia Research! Our Workbench is ready…

Plus, we have updated our recommendations algorithms, making them much more performant (less latency & same quality) for faster research.

Read all about it, in our September 2022 Newsletter

We have launched our 1.0 Version and are now no longer hiding under the „beta-cover“!

This is a big step for us and a great achievement after long hours of work that have gone into the product.

Read all about it – and the newly available freemium plans in our July 2022 Newsletter!

As we are in open beta with Varia Research since January 2022, we are learning a lot from our test users. We are still conducting greenfield user research – but listen a lot to feedback of active testers and users.

Based on that, we have lately introduced RSS Feeds (which complement the already popular Varia Feeds) and a sophisticated tagging and filtering system.

Read more on the latest development in the Varia June 2022 newslettter – and of course always in our public change log

In June 2020 we presented a simple first prototype, indicating how a potential journalistic research product could look like. Now, about a year and a half later, we open Varia Research as Beta version to the public!

A lot of gear shifting happened at Varia meanwhile, switching from the API focused approach to the SaaS model & completely new product.

You can read more about the Beta launch in our newsletter from December 2021.

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